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[1] Weckenmann, Albert (ed.): Koordinatenmesstechnik. 2nd, completely revised ed. Munich: Carl Hanser, 2012.

[2] Neumann, Hans Joachim: Koordinatenmesstechnik im industriellen Einsatz. Landsberg: moderne industrie, 2000 (Die Bibliothek der Technik, Volume 203).

[3] Neumann, Hans Joachim et. al.: Präzisionsmesstechnik in der Production mit Koordinatenmessgeräten. 3rd ed., Renningen-Malmsheim: expert, 2010. (Contact & Study, Volume 646).

[4] Christoph, Ralf: Determination of geometric quantities with photoreceiver arrangements. Habilitation thesis, Jena 1989.

[5] Woschni, Hans-Günter; Christoph, Ralf; Reinsch, A.: Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Lage einer optisch wirksamen Struktur. In: Feingerätetechnik 33 (1984), No. 5.

[6] Andräs, M.; Christoph, R.; Förster, R.; Menz, W.; Schoth, A.; Hösel, T.: Roughness measurements on micro-structures with tactilo-optical sensors. In: Surface metrology: Innovative and efficient capture of properties and shape of surfaces. Langen, 01 and 02 December 2003. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, 2003. p. 153–165.

[7] European Patent EP 1 861 822 B1: Method and device for determining the contour of an object in imaging examination methods. Published on 20 July 2011, Applicant: Werth Messtechnik GmbH, Inventor: Steinbeiss, Heinrich.

[8] Christoph, Ralf; Neumann, Hans Joachim: Röntgentomografie in der industriellen Metrology. 3rd, revised edition. Munich: SZ Scala GmbH, 2017 (The Library of Technology, Volume 331).

[9] VDI/VDE 2617: Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Characteristics and their testing.

[10] DIN EN ISO 10360: Geometric product specification (GPS) - Acceptance test and reverification test for coordinate measuring machines (CMM).

[11] DIN EN ISO 15530: Geometrical product specification and testing (GPS) – Methods for determining the measurement uncertainty of coordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

[12] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008: Uncertainty of measurement – Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.

[13] Neumann, Hans Joachim: Measuring with low temperature influence: QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit (01/2008), p. 30–33.

[14] Christoph, Ralf; Neumann, Hans Joachim: Two different sizes? Measurement uncertainty in the manufacturing process. In: Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit QZ (06/2003), p. 625–627.