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Automatic mode

Barcode selects the measuring programme

Regardless of how the programme is created, the measuring machine can process the measurement sequence automatically or semi-automatically (for manually operated machines). This means that the machine can also be used by users who do not know the test procedure in detail. Operation is reduced to inserting the parts, determining their position by measuring a coordinate system on the workpiece (pre-alignment) and starting the programme. The pre-alignment can be automated or even omitted by using fixtures. Such machines can also hold several workpieces at the same time (pallets). This reduces set-up times. The software then automatically repeats the measurement sequence at the different locations on the pallet. Automatic feeding by feeding devices can also be integrated.

For users untrained in operating measuring machines, the software offers the option of simply selecting the part number and using it to start an automatic programme sequence. Alternatively, this can be done by scanning a barcode on the production order. Automatic fault handling helps, for example, if parts are not inserted correctly.