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Programming complex measurement sequences

Automate even one-off measurements

Complex measurement sequences should always be created in such a way that they can be repeated automatically in the same way as often as required. Even when measuring a sample part once, it makes sense to at least check the reproducibility of the measurement through repeat measurements (see Measurement process capability, p. 124 ff.).

User-friendly presentation of the test plan

The programming of the measurement sequences is supported by the corresponding tools of the WinWerth® measurement software. The sensors are selected directly on the user interface of the multisensor coordinate measuring machine. A "feature tree" represents the test plan and thus the structure of the measurement programme in a tree-like structure (Fig. 52). This visualises the relationships between features, geometry elements and technology parameters such as sensor type, illumination setting, scanning speed, evaluation algorithm and valid alignment. Parallel to the feature tree, the geometric features and the features with the associated measurement results are also displayed in the graphical representation of the measurement sequence and in the numerical measurement log. Linking operations to geometric elements (intersection point, intersection line) or features (distance, perpendicularity) can be programmed either in the feature tree or in the graphical view. The feature tree is also used to control the test and change mode, in which programmes can be processed step by step and changes can be added. A programme part can be defined as a loop for repeated processing or outsourced as a subroutine by selecting it with the mouse. Selected functionally relevant geometrical characteristics can be determined using feature-oriented measurement.

User-friendly presentation of the test plan
<p>Fig. 52: Feature tree for the clear creation and modifier of more complex programmes</p>