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Measuring during movement

Many images provide the result

The image processing sensor measures conventionally in start-stop operation (static measuring principle). As with tactile or optical distance sensors, image processing can also be used to measure without stopping the coordinate axes.

Measure OnTheFly®

In this operating mode (OnTheFly®), the axis positions are saved exactly synchronised with the image capture. To avoid blurring, the image is captured during movement with a short integration time and, if necessary, at reduced axis speed. To compensate for the short exposure time, the lighting can be brighter in flash mode. As a positive side effect, the flash suppresses extraneous light influences. Especially for measuring objects with many features, this procedure leads to a considerable reduction in measuring time of 90 % and more. The method can also be used in the interaction of translational and rotational movements by using rotary axes, e.g. for control pistons and tools.

Raster scanning during movement

With "Raster Scanning HD" (see image processing sensors), images are also captured continuously during movement. In addition to digitising the entire workpiece, it is also possible to capture selected areas. To do this, the sensors follow any 2D or 3D trajectory, further reducing measuring time and data volume.

Quickly measure lateral surfaces

For measurements in conjunction with rotary axes, the single images captured during the rotation are combined to form an "unrolled" overall image of the lateral surface of the rotationally symmetrical measuring object (Werth "Raster Scanning HD ROTARY"). The wobbling movement of the workpiece is also taken into account with micrometre precision. The resulting image is analysed with the image processing software and the sizes are determined with measurement software. One example of the application of this technology is the measurement of the geometry of implants for widening and stabilising blood vessels (stents). The entire stent can be measured with micrometre precision in just a few minutes, regardless of the number of features. Other possible applications for the measurement process include the measurement of control or hydraulic pistons in mechanical engineering or the impact clearance of piston rings in automotive engineering.

Envelope contour scanning

In envelope contour scanning, images are also captured during the movement of the workpiece with a rotary axis. However, it is not the lateral surface that is measured, but the enveloping outer geometry of the workpiece, e.g. the effective contour of a form milling cutter. The transmitted light images of each rotational position are added in the correct position (wobble compensation). In this way, a wide variety of tools for machining Production can be functionally measured.