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Coordinate measuring machines with bridge

Portal design for large measuring ranges

For measuring ranges greater than around 400 mm, the bridge-type machine design is economical. What all bridge-type machines have in common is that the ram with the sensors can be moved vertically and horizontally on a gate-like base structure. The third required direction of movement is realised by moving the entire bridge or a measuring table. Machines with a fixed (Fig. 38c) or moving (Fig. 38d) bridge differ in various properties, e.g. in terms of accuracy and space requirements.

<p>Fig. 38: Machine designs: a) X-Y table b) Guideways in a single plane c) Fixed bridge d) Moving bridge e) Computed tomography sensors f) Machine with horizontally arranged sensors and rotary table</p>

Guideways: mechanical or air bearing

The guide systems can be designed mechanically, e.g. with profile rail roller guides (Fig. 42), or as air bearing guides. Mechanical guide systems are suitable for use in the production environment as they are largely insensitive to contamination. However, the reproducibility of the guide deviations does not achieve the high quality of the air bearing guides due to the moving rolling elements. This limits the achievable system accuracy. Air bearings are therefore used for higher accuracy requirements. The highly accurate guideways are preferably made of natural hard stone (granite).

Guideways: mechanical or air bearing
<p>Fig. 42: ScopeCheck® FB DZ: Measuring machine for production monitoring</p>

Air bearings are more precise

On them, the moving components glide almost friction-free on an air cushion just a few micrometres thick. The forces required to move the measuring slides are therefore very small. The resulting low hysteresis leads to good reproducibility of the positioning processes and forms an important basis for high accuracies. Thanks to the air-sprung arrangement of some bearings, a constant preload of the entire guide system can be achieved even with large temperature fluctuations.

Coordinate measuring machines with moving bridge

Large measuring ranges realised cost-effectively

Coordinate measuring machines with a moving bridge are currently the most frequently realised design principle for large machines. By integrating all three measuring axes into the moving bridge, the workpiece remains at rest during the measurement. This means that even very heavy workpieces can be measured. Machines of this type are preferably equipped with tactile sensors only. The moving axes arranged on top of each other limit the permissible mass and thus the use of complex sensor arrangements.

Transmitted light over the entire measuring range

The introduction of high-quality transmitted light illumination for the entire measuring range, as is often necessary for coordinate measuring machines with image processing, requires relatively complex design measures. There are three basic options for this:

  • Area light field in the size of the measuring range
  • Line light field moving with the bridge
  • point-shaped luminous field moving in two axes.

Due to the stationary measuring table, the space required for the measuring machine is less than for a machine with a fixed bridge, where at least twice the size of the measuring range is required as movement space for the measuring table. With a moving bridge, only the required guide length for the bridge or the sensor carriage is added to the measuring range, which is defined by the distance between the air bearings (or guide carriages in the case of mechanical guideways) in the direction of movement. For this reason, machines with a larger measuring range are predominantly designed with a moving bridge. Figure 43 shows examples of such machines. The glass table and the linear transmitted light device are effective over the entire measuring range. They can be easily removed for the measurement of large and heavy parts.

Transmitted light over the entire measuring range
<p>Fig. 43: ScopeCheck® MB: Portal measuring machines with moving bridge</p>
Coordinate measuring machines with fixed bridge

Rigid design with fixed bridge

In coordinate measuring machines with a fixed bridge, the two main axes of movement are independent of each other. The drive systems and scales of all three axes can be arranged centrally. This means that the comparator principle is less violated. In conjunction with high rigidity, this leads to low measuring uncertainties.

Multiple rams for collision-free measurement

The overall more rigid design is well suited to the arrangement of several sensors on one ram and also facilitates the use of several rams. The sensor change is carried out by moving the relevant ram in and out. The deactivated sensors cannot obstruct the free positioning of the active sensor by colliding with the measuring object. The simple integration of transmitted light illumination systems is a special feature of optical and multi-sensor coordinate measuring machines. These can be optimised through the use of special optics (see Image processing sensors, p. 13 ff.).

Measurement uncertainty less than 1 µm

During measuring operation, the measuring object is placed on the glass plate of the measuring table or fixed in a fixture on the measuring table. The measurement uncertainties achievable with this machine class are less than 1 µm. However, it should be noted that not all sensors have the same low probing error. The machine design makes sense up to measuring ranges of approx. 2000 mm × 2000 mm × 1000 mm. Small measuring ranges can also be realised in a similar design. The aperture in the bridge for the measuring table can then be dispensed with and the bridge replaced by a plate.

Linear drives for high measuring speeds

Linear drives optimise the measuring speed of bridge-type machines for use in production monitoring. With such drive systems, the sensors and/or the measuring object can be accelerated at 10 m/s2 (approx. 1 g). Several positions on the part can be approached and measured per second. The measurement uncertainties are comparable to those of standard devices. The design with fixed bridge and air bearing has also proven itself for machines with special accuracy requirements. Due to the excellent reproducibility of the guideways, deviations can be corrected very well by calculation. The resulting measurement errors are very low. Alternatively, comparability can be achieved with special arrangements, but these permit small measuring ranges or are very expensive.

Most accurate coordinate measuring machine with multi-sensor systems

For example, the VideoCheck® UA is probably the most accurate coordinate measuring machine with multi-sensor systems currently available and has a measuring range of 400 mm × 400 mm × 250 mm. In order to eliminate oscillations, the granite structure has a particularly rigid design and is mounted in active vibration dampers in both horizontal and vertical orientations. Temperature-stable glass ceramic scales with a resolution of less than 1 nm and high-resolution temperature compensation are used as displacement measuring systems. Environmental influences such as temperature, air pressure and humidity are therefore lower than with alternative laser displacement measurement systems. Special air bearings with low natural vibration and special design sizes to reduce friction within the system serve to optimise reproducibility. The drives are decoupled from the measuring slides to minimise the influence on the guideways. In conjunction with highly accurate software geometry correction, length measurement errors of around 0.1 µm can be achieved. To utilise this capability of the machine, sensors with a correspondingly low probing error are required. Image processing sensors, the Werth Fiber Probe® and some distance sensors are suitable for this purpose. The applications are particularly suitable for objects with tolerances in the department of a few micrometres.

Micro-structures even on large workpieces

These arise in micromechanics, but in special features also in vehicle and tool construction as well as in general mechanical engineering. As precise features are often present on large workpieces, relatively large measuring ranges are often required. These can be easily realised with bridge-type machines.