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X-ray computed tomography

Complete measurement of all internal and external geometries

X-ray tomography (also known as computed tomography, or CT for short) enables the complete geometry of workpieces to be captured, regardless of their complexity. Both external and internal geometries are captured. Industrial computed tomography, which was mainly limited to material testing due to a lack of sufficient accuracy, also became applicable for coordinate metrology in 2005 (Fig. 36). Due to the short measuring times for objects with many features, the use of these machines leads to a considerable acceleration of process chains and an increase in economic efficiency.

<p>Fig. 36: TomoScope® S: the current version of the first coordinate measuring machine with X-ray tomography presented in 2005 – optionally with multi-sensor systems</p>

X-rays penetrate the measuring object

The ability of X-rays to penetrate objects is utilised for X-ray tomography. On its way through an object, some of the incident radiation is absorbed. The longer the radiographic length in the object, the less radiation escapes behind the object. However, absorption also depends on the material. An X-rays detector captures the incident X-rays as a two-dimensional radiographic image. With detector side lengths of approx. 50 mm to 400 mm, a large proportion of the measuring objects can be captured in one image.

Radiographic images, voxel volumes and point clouds

In order to scan an object tomographically, several hundred of these two-dimensional radiographic images are taken one after the other in different rotational positions of the measuring object (Fig. 37a). The object is placed on a rotary table, which is successively rotated. The three-dimensional information about the measuring object contained in this image sequence is extracted using suitable mathematical methods (back projection) and made available as a so-called voxel volume consisting of many individual voxels. Each voxel (of volume and pixel) embodies the absorption properties of the measuring object or the surrounding air for a defined location in the measuring volume. Similar to two-dimensional image processing, the actual measurement points are calculated from the voxel data using suitable thresholding or other methods. This can be realised with a resolution and accuracy down to fractions of the voxel size ("subvoxeling",[7]).

The sensors used currently have up to 16 million pixels. In the measuring volume, this typically results in several hundred thousand to a few million measurement points that are evenly spaced over the surface of the part to be measured. Geometries inside the measuring objects, such as cavities or undercuts, are also captured. The measurement points can be analysed using the familiar methods of coordinate metrology.

Radiographic images, voxel volumes and point clouds
<p>Fig. 37: X-ray tomography: The radiation emitted by a point-shaped X-ray source passes through the measuring object onto the area sensor. Images are recorded at different rotational positions. a) low magnification, b) higher magnification, c) Raster Tomography</p>

Raster Tomography

Similar to measurement with image processing, it is possible to change the magnification in tomography scans in order to capture small parts with high magnification or larger parts completely with lower magnification (Fig. 37b). To do this, either the measuring object within the beam path or the X-ray components (X-ray source and detector) are shifted relative to the measuring object in an axial orientation. In some cases, however, the size of the sensors or the number of pixels available is not sufficient to scan tomographically large parts or small features with sufficient resolution. In such cases, the rotary table with the measuring object and the X-ray components are moved relative to each other. The images or volume sections recorded in this way are then precisely stitched together (Raster Tomography, Fig. 37c).

Wide range of applications

The application possibilities of X-ray tomography are practically only limited by the radiolucency of the objects to be measured and the accuracy requirements. This technique is therefore most widely used in plastic injection moulding. In addition to the rapid first article inspection of many features, the deviations from the CAD model caused by the manufacturing process can be captured.

Automated mould correction

The model for the tool is subsequently modified automatically or manually in a specific way using appropriate software functions. This allows corrected tools to be produced and process influences to be compensated for. Practical applications include the measurement of car headlights, connector modules, cutting edges of shaving heads for electric razors and the overall geometry of diesel injection nozzles. The method can also be used to check the size of components of mounted assemblies and internal geometries as well as to analyse materials (inclusions).

X-ray tomography has developed into an independent specialist field within coordinate metrology. The physical background, other measuring methods, areas of application and the topic of "accuracy" are described in more detail in volume 331 of the series Die Bibliothek der Technik[8].